Harlequin Rasbora Combatibility


Aug 16, 2012
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I saw these guys at my LFS and had no idea what they were ( weren't labled, or at least wrong ) and after finally tracking them down online and watching them in tank, I love them. I'm trying to find a compatible list of fish that go along with these guys since they're active and stay small.

I read that some people have them work well with guppies at least until the guppyies get to be 2-3 inches, I liked leopard/zebra danios but apparently they aren't compatible. The bottom of my tank will be full of Corydoras so I want a mixture of middle/top dwelling fish.

The tank will be large so these guys will have plenty of room to swim ( 125 gallon, 72x18x22 ) and I plan on getting some plants as well for them. I was looking at some Barbs but not set yet on a species to use

Harlequin rasboras should be fine. They grow to about 2 inches, are a shoaling fish, and go well in almost any community tank. They are even suggested tank mates for siamese fighting fish! Any fish that can be kept with a betta should be OK with guppies.
That's assuming we're talking about the same fish http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/338822-harlequin-rasbora/
:nod: All the commonly available Rasbora species are harmless. In small numbers, they can become shy, I always aim for at least six, normally ten or more.
So I should have no worries adding these in with any barbs, tetras etc unless the species is known to be semi aggressive? Thanks

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