So I currently have 3 fish tanks. One 15 gallon and two 5 gallon tanks. One of my 5 gallon tanks has a betta in it. The other 5 gallon is currently used to hold the platy fry. They are 1 month old and i have about 30 fry. I'm thinking they might be big enough to but in the 15 gallon with the other fish next month. I'll have to give away some of them too. So once my 5 gallon is free of fish I was thinking of stocking it with maybe 2 platys and 3 or 4 guppies. Maybe 5 guppies with a snail? So what fish can go in the fish tank? Oh and I know a betta can but I already have one. Pls don't suggest buying a bigger tank because my parent aren't going to let me even if I use my own money.