

Fish Fanatic
Jul 16, 2004
Reaction score
watford, london
one of my guppies has turned black around its tail and fins it is started to sink and swim on its side around the bottom of the tank.
what could it be????
From what I have read on here that sounds like amonia to me. Have you tetsed the water for Amonia nitrite and nitrate.
If it is amonia you need to do some serious water changes straight away around 50% now and ever day of about 20% until the levels come down.
And by the sounds of it the fish is not going to live so maybe putting it to sleep would be the kindest thing. Ice water is the best and most painless way and its over within minutes. :-(
littleme1969 said:
And by the sounds of it the fish is not going to live so maybe putting it to sleep would be the kindest thing. Ice water is the best and most painless way and its over within minutes. :-(
Ice water=bad idea

Can u imagine freezing to death...not a fun way to die....the best way is a quick slice behind the gills.

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