Guppy With Dropsy


New Member
Jan 25, 2013
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Hey everyone I just have a quick question yesterday I lost a guppy to dropsy luckily it was quick and he didn't suffer long. He was in a 10 gallon tank with some other fish. My question is should I be worried about my other fish? Oh as soon as I noticed he was pine conned I took him out of the 10 gallon and put him in a smaller container.
It depends on what the root cause of the dropsy was. Dropsy is a symptom, rather than a disease. I lost a platy to dropsy at one point, but all other fish were fine. However, if the cuase of your fish's problem was contagious, then yes, you do have a problem. Keep a close eye on the tank for any other signs of disease.
Do a large water change. Dropsy can be associated with poor water quality. In my experience guppies are prone to illness. If you are very concerned and the other fish are tolerant it wouldn't hurt to slowly add some aquarium salt.

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