Guppy Sick But Not Sure What It Is?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 17, 2011
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Hi i have a female guppy who recently gave birth to some babies. Anyhow she always had a weird mouth looked like it was broken a bit. This didnt case much difficulty as she still was able to eat and all that. However recently her mouth looks like is wearing away or there is some fungus on her mouth is caving in or filling with the fungus stuff. Her fins around her head have also started to look weird. So im wondering what it could be and what medicine i can put in for her. I have babies in a fry trap too so i need the medicine to be ok for them too. I dont have a hospital tank. Any ideas? thanks in advance. I have only just started with guppies so im still learning the ropes. :blush:
I have added some salt to the tank as i dont want to fungus to spread to anyone else. i know i should have one i intend to get a small one when money is better. I might buy a general anti fungus treatment if she is still around on wednesday. the salt is more for the other fish than her. I have fin rot treatment but i hate using it and would rather use something else. Fry and corys are in the same tank so i dont want to risk them. I did a big water change yesterday so hopefully she will start to improve. any other advice. I read i could drop the temp but untill i get alot of thumbs up im not messing with my temp.
thanks for the info. i haven't seen this before in any of my fish.

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