First of all, apologies for yet another "is my guppy pregnant question"
I've had platys before but this is my first time with guppies, so i wanted to make sure.
I think she might be...
Apologies for the poor photo, she's bloody quick. I had to put her in a breeding box just to get her anywhere near the camera.
The gravid spot is very dark as you can see, but with my experience with platies, I've come to think of that as kind of a red herring as to whether or not she's pregnant.
I've had platys before but this is my first time with guppies, so i wanted to make sure.
I think she might be...
Apologies for the poor photo, she's bloody quick. I had to put her in a breeding box just to get her anywhere near the camera.
The gravid spot is very dark as you can see, but with my experience with platies, I've come to think of that as kind of a red herring as to whether or not she's pregnant.