Guppy Problem


New Member
Nov 30, 2012
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Thanks for your time guys,

Basically one of my guppies contracted this issue about two weeks ago and unfortunately died as a result of it.

The guppy appears to have a white mark across its belly from its left fin right up to the top of its body. Now the last time this happened my local pet shop advised me to use the Anti Fungus and Finrot solution by Interpet but this didn't seem to have any effect.

I have researched some possibilities on the internet and Ick doesn't seem likely since the guppy must have "white spots" but this is more of a prominent white mark.

The mark is just a gentle white tone change on the guppies body but the males now seem very interested in her (possibly due to weakness?).

I'm at a total loss here and don't want to loose another guppy as a result of this, here is my tank specifications for anybody to make judgements on my situation.

Tank size: 110L
Tank temperature: 28C (Normally 26C but I was advised to raise it to help combat the illness.)

Tank inhabitants: 10 Guppies, 8 guppies (only three weeks old), 5 newly born fry in the breading tank and two plecos.

Other Information
* I've just cleaned the gravel with the gravel pump.
* I've just completed a 25% water change.
* I've just clean the filter media in existing tank water.
can you tell us what your water stats are? unfortunatly the majority of health issues are caused by poor water quality
I get my water tested regularly at the pet shop with those water testing kits, last time I checked (1 week ago) they were as follows;

Ammonia: 0
Nitrites/Nitrates: Normal
pH Level: 7.4
alot can happen in a week, do you not have your own test kit, i would suggest you invest in a liquid based one, will save you loads of hassel in the long run, the nitrite and nitrate readings you say are normal? what were the exact readings?
alot can happen in a week, do you not have your own test kit, i would suggest you invest in a liquid based one, will save you loads of hassel in the long run, the nitrite and nitrate readings you say are normal? what were the exact readings?

I totally forgot the readings, the professional at the pet shop advised me they were totally normal though that's all I can remember. I will get a water test done tomorrow for safe keepings.

What water testing kit would you advise?
most use the API master test kit, its cheap and does the job well enough
I've just had my water tested today by the API kit and the Ammonia levels were 0, pH levels were 7.2 and nitrites/nitrates were perfect (he didn't tell me the level).

I've medicated the entire tank with anti fungus and finrot as per the staffs' instructions at the pet shop but here is the fish in question with the white coloured mark;
URGENT: She's really looking poorly now, shes starting to loose all her scale colouring on one size and is turning a very dirty shade of white on her left side?

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