Guppy Lifespan?


Fish Gatherer
Apr 24, 2012
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What is the lifespan for a female guppy? Just noticed that my oldest guppy (female) has really slowed down lately and she isn't ill. I am guessing her age to be about 18 months, I think she was likely around 6 months old when I bought her. Really love her... just starting to think she might be becoming an old lady.
Not long...usually about 2 years though I've had them go a bit longer and shorter. I've noticed...though this is just anecdotal and not scientific...the more they breed the shorter lifespan they seem to have so a proper male/female ratio can extend the life or an all female tank. An 18 month old would be considered older and near the normal lifespan.
She has had about 6 batches of fry. Arrived pregnant and had 4 batches, and I believe that most of the next two batches she had were fathered by my own males that I used to keep.

She does everything that my other females do but just slower. Will miss her when her day comes! Hopefully not for several more months!

Will be interesting to see how her lifespan will compare to my other females (assuming they get to live their full lives and don't die of anything else). Only one other one had has fry (but is now empty) and my two other full adults are virgins and my remaining up and coming females will also grow up virgins.
She's the old lady of the group...she's bound to slow down a bit. :)
yes this is interesting question recently I lost 2 males and 1 female of my oldest guppy. I have no idea how old they were but they were huge... I have read that it also depends on the temperature of the water how long they will live. I have been observing the other 3 older fish that I got and I can tell they are loosing color and have not been pregnant for at least a month... so I am assuming they are getting old as well. I would say my fish is around 10 months to 1 year old, have had a ton of fry did not even try counting how often they were pregnant all the fry got eaten as well Saved 6 babies out of all of them and 4 turned out to be males haha so they went to the local pet store to find new homes :) Anyways guppies are fun but I was wondering if mine are getting old too :) all the new females are pregnant but they are tiny so I would guess not more than 2-3 babies from each if they survive :)
If you want to increase the number of fry that survive you can, but even at 2-3 per birthing you will be overrun by them in no time!
I've actually written down the date that mine has given birth each time... I didn't think to actually count it before... instead I estimated. LOL Hah, just counted... I was right anyway, exactly 6 batches of fry.

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