Guppy fry coloration


Fish Maniac
Tank of the Month 🏆
2x Fish of the Month 🌟
Dec 3, 2020
Reaction score
United States
Hello! does anyone have a chart or photos of different kinds of week-month old guppy fry?
like different strains etc. I can't seem to find anything similar online
I think they all look the same at that point (IMO) :)
some of them are born gray, while some are born yellow and sometimes whitish.
i'd say the majority of fancys are gray
I came across this interesting diagram on @emeraldking 's website

All guppy fry are born with a base color. This can be grey, blond, golden, nigrocaudatus (=black or very dark), bronze, white, pink, asia blau and translucent. But the majority of fancy guppies are born either grey or blond based.
All guppy fry are born with a base color. This can be grey, blond, golden, nigrocaudatus (=black or very dark), bronze, white, pink, asia blau and translucent. But the majority of fancy guppies are born either grey or blond based.

One of my blonde based females produced a mixed batch, roughly half blonde fry, half grey based, like the grey/blue males, so seemed she had her way with two males and used both of their DNA in that batch - this stuff is complex, but cool! :D

Can I pick your brain about molly colouring as they grow? My black/white and gold flecked/marbled sailfin mollies came with 30 odd fry that are maybe 2 months old, ish, and colouring up - some of them are a really bright, eye catching silver/white colour with varying amounts of black flecking, maybe a third of them look as though they're going to be dalmation mollies, some look as though they'll be pretty dark marbled like the parents, others look sort of brown?? I need to shoot a video of them really, can't capture it in photos. Is that usual to get like a mix of dalmation and marbled? She may well have been mated with a dalmation male before I got her, likely to be two (or three!) different dads, perhaps? Are their colours likely to change much as they grow? When she dropped another batch in my tank, the base colours appeared to be a similar ratio mix again.
All guppy fry are born with a base color. This can be grey, blond, golden, nigrocaudatus (=black or very dark), bronze, white, pink, asia blau and translucent. But the majority of fancy guppies are born either grey or blond based.
do you have photos of these different kinds of fry? i've never seen bronze, blau, pink or golden fry before!
There is one white fry mixed in with the rest of the nigrocaudatus in my tank
Can I pick your brain about molly colouring as they grow?
First of all, you need to know if that breeding pair were mixed already no matter there phenotype. And yes, the female could also have mated with other males before. Simply because a female can store sperm packets for over a year and when she decides to fertilize her eggs, she'll open up one or more folds of her fallopian tube, where the sperm packets have been stored, randomly. This can cause that she'll use sperm packets of more than one male. This can result in a batch of fry that will be fathered by more than just one male. It also means that the future offspring can look different from a former batch. That's completely normal.
do you have photos of these different kinds of fry? i've never seen bronze, blau, pink or golden fry before!
There is one white fry mixed in with the rest of the nigrocaudatus in my tank




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