Guppy Fry And Bloodworms...

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Fish Crazy
May 13, 2012
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Co Durham, UK
I'm worried that my baby Guppies might not be getting the protene they need, although they do get the same high protene flake food as the adults get. But the adults also get their bloodworms and lots of veg. I've tryed giving the fry a lump of cucumber that I mashed up the top of with a knife so they could eat it easier, but I don't think they're that fussed with it. And I'm not sure if they could eat lettuce yet?
So I had the idea to defrost a very small amount of bloodworms in some of the tank water and then try to mash/break them up a bit with a teaspoon. Do you think this would work? I worry I might choke them : / Yeah, I know, they'd probably just spit it back out or not try and eat it at all, but I still worry!

The biggest ones are about a CM now, with the tiny ones being half their size. These tiny ones were the last to be found so I know they'll soon start to grow as big when they've had some good feeds in them.
They should be fine on the flake. If you are that worried go out and buy some frozen Daphnia, fry love that.
you could always try hard boiled egg yolk, lots of protein there and they love it. x
I forgot all about egg yolk.

I asked about baby Brine Shrimps once not long back, but I couldn't get hold of any. They never mentioned Daphnia then. But I'll ask about the frozen and see where I get with that.

Thanks both : )
I feed my fry a mixture of crushed flake and crushed dried bloodworms. Because they're dried they can be broken into really small pieces, I tend to use a chopstick in an egg cup.
For a high protein food, try frozen daphnia or hatch your own brine shrimp cysts to get BBS. Daphnia are one of my main frozen foods for fry although I often use 45% crude protein flake for my fry with very good results.
I will try and get hold of some frozen Daphnia. Sounds like a good idea.

I don't feed dry meat foods 'cause I read that they contain dodgy preservitives. It that not true? Although I know that my flakes have a lot of Fish protene in, so that's confused me a bit to be honest...
Just a little update. I did manage to get some frozen Daphnia on Monday and all the fry are enjoying it : ) I'm just dipping the cube in the water for a few seconds before taking it back out and putting it back in the freezer, that way they only get what they need.

They've also desided that they like their cucumber now : )
I told my dad to get some dry daphnia to supplement the diet of the fish and the fry, because I cannot get live foods until Saturday or Sunday and the main pet shop is closed till 28th June, so no frozen food till then. -.- But I remember dried daphnia used to make my fish grow faster.
Never heard of giving them sinking pellets before. I just give flakes and their Daphnia, oh and their cucumber too. What's the advantage of pellets?

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