Guppy Diseases


Feb 12, 2016
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So I have 2 guppies in my 10 gallon (38 l) fish tank. My yellow fish, Gordon, seems to have problems with overeating. I solved that by fasting him.

I was just observing my fish, when I noticed he has a long strand of poop. It is different from the normal overeating strand. At the start, it is white, thin and just slightly tinted pink. But then I noticed near the end it turns thick and a pinkish-red color. This is abnormal for Gordon. Help?
I've been watching Gordon quite a lot. When he turns one side to me, it almost looks as if he has holes there. Something tells me that he is quite ill. Help!
After research, I think it is uncureable. Is hole in the head contagious?
I didn't realise guppies were susceptible, I thought it was discus and some other cichlids that are most likely to get it.
Yeah, I was wrong... it is not HIH. I noticed that today he has stringy white poop, and a scale protruding... :-( I don't think he's gonna make it... I'm almost certain that it is dropsy. I shall be taking him over to my LFS in the hopes that they can help. Unfortunately, I don't have a hospital tank! That's the one I dropped on Sunday... *sigh* :(. At least I didn't wake up to a dead fish... 
He hasn't bloated yet. Is there still hope for him?
Started another topic in the correct section, "tropical fish emergencies"... because I do believe this qualifies...

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