Guppy Breeding Program


Fish Fanatic
Jul 9, 2014
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So, i am going to start breeding my livebearers, and I was wondering who had any good setup ideas? I plan to compact it as much as possible, with the most low maintenance as possible, because at the end of the day, its my first time, and its all really for experience and fun! Below, i have attached a sketch of one of my ideas....Anyone have any ideas? Thanks!


  • Guppy Setup.png
    Guppy Setup.png
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Before starting this up have you checked if your LFS will buy them from you?
None of the ones by me want them as they get them in so cheap from suppliers.

If you do have a way of moving them on then go for it :)

Keep a ratio of 1 male to 3 females in your main tank, and you will always have pregnant females.
Best way to make sure the fry survive is to move the pregnant female to a small seperate tank when she is ready to drop, unless the main tank has plenty of hiding place for the fry.

After the fry are born move the female back as she will eat her own young
My LFS has already ok'd it...They are pretty chill. As for the fry, my guppies for some reason pay no attention to the fry, I do have many plants in there, so that may be a reason... Thanks for the info!
Guppies (and Endlers) don't eat many of their fry. It's the bigger livebearers, like swordtails and mollies that are the 'worst' fry eaters. (I put'worst' in quotes because, of course, these fish aren't 'bad' or 'evil' or 'cruel' for eating their own fry; they're just doing what they evolved to do.)
You COULD do it that way, but another 10 gallon or 20 long for fry would be best.  The adults will out compete the fry for food, and they release a hormone in the water that retards the growth of the fry. You would get bigger better guppies if you used a bare bottom tank for fry, kept it warm, and fed them a mixed protein rich diet that included Baby brine shrimp as one of 4 meals a day.  Nice big spoonge filter and plenty of water changes in the fry tank as well.
I've heard that adult guppies release hormones in the water that stunts the fry's growth. Is this a proven theory? I am curious, thank you :)
They can release a chemical into the water known as a pheromone  that may stunt the fry. Reason for it is normally due to a overcrowded tank with a lack of water changes.

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