Guppies With Single Male Swordtail?


New Member
Feb 21, 2010
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Hey, i got 25g aquarium.

I have 6 guppy (2 male 4 female), a male swordtail (little bigger than male guppies), an amano shrimp (that keeps staying hidden 2 days now), a small pleco that is still hiding mostly too.

I noticed the male guppy was attacking the swordtail at start and now swordtail fights guppies.
Will they stop fighting and is the amano shrimp and pleco gonna get active?

Also what else do you think i could add in the aquarium? Im thinking of a group of 4-5 corydoras catfish or some more shrimps.

Thanks for answers in advance!!
sword tails can cross with guppies, it may be a good idea to get a few female swordies just to even things out
Swordtails will not interbreed with guppies.
Male guppies can be feisty as can swordtails, they will probably continue to argue.
You could get a couple of female swords but then of course you'd get lots more fry.
Plecs aren't very active fish & are usually nocturnal so you won't see much of him, the amano will be seen more when there's food around
sorry I always get my live bearer mixes confused!  I only keep guppies so it's really not an issue for me.

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