Guppies Tail Turning Black Help!


Fish Fanatic
Feb 19, 2012
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Hello all,

I have always kept guppies and have never seen anything like this..

My orange Guppies tail is slowly starting to turn black or darkish. Before this I noticed little snips out of its tail, I was worried about fin rot so I dosed Melafix into the water which usually clears up the problem (having done this in the past)
I dont know what to think of it. As I said I have never come across a guppies tail turning black especially when he was such a bright orange. I have also changed 25% of the water and my Nitrate is perfect and Nitrite 0 and Ammonia 0.

I think he will die tomorrow...
Is he still swimming ok???
if he isn't make sure he can't get stuck to the filter intake. that happened to one of my fish and she died within a minute. (i think she had dropsy so i put in some aquarium salt and left the filter on while i rearanged my fry nets to stop her being blasted by the filter, next thing i knew she was gone)
what is your ph? i went to my lfs today and ecause my water has a ph of 8, he said that because its an alkaline it could be burning my bettas tail aswell as the fin rot
what is your ph? i went to my lfs today and ecause my water has a ph of 8, he said that because its an alkaline it could be burning my bettas tail aswell as the fin rot

My PH is 7 which I have always had for guppies and have been successful in keeping them.... confused...
i was thinking it was alkali burn, but if its 7 then its not. maybe it is just fin rot

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