Fish Fanatic
Hello all,
I have always kept guppies and have never seen anything like this..
My orange Guppies tail is slowly starting to turn black or darkish. Before this I noticed little snips out of its tail, I was worried about fin rot so I dosed Melafix into the water which usually clears up the problem (having done this in the past)
I dont know what to think of it. As I said I have never come across a guppies tail turning black especially when he was such a bright orange. I have also changed 25% of the water and my Nitrate is perfect and Nitrite 0 and Ammonia 0.
I think he will die tomorrow...
I have always kept guppies and have never seen anything like this..
My orange Guppies tail is slowly starting to turn black or darkish. Before this I noticed little snips out of its tail, I was worried about fin rot so I dosed Melafix into the water which usually clears up the problem (having done this in the past)
I dont know what to think of it. As I said I have never come across a guppies tail turning black especially when he was such a bright orange. I have also changed 25% of the water and my Nitrate is perfect and Nitrite 0 and Ammonia 0.
I think he will die tomorrow...