Guppies Or Tiger Barbs


New Member
Mar 8, 2013
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Hi I have a 29 gallon tank with 6 guppies. Any possible ideas for tank mates other than platys and mollies? And would it be possible to put in tiger barbs? If not what could be some tank mates for tiger barbs?
I also have 2 platys,2 corys,a pleco, and a snail. 
thanks in advance

The tiger barbs wouldnt go good with the guppies, given the barbs are fin nippers and guppies having long fins.Id suggest you up your cory stock to 6 although.
Agreed on upping the number of corys to 6. :)
Thanks for the help with the corys but we might take them out and make a tiger barb tank, but if we don't i'll remember that.
What about other tank mates for the guppies?
Also I heard that you can keep neon tetras with the tiger barbs, is that true?
thanks again
FishyFriend101 said:
Thanks for the help with the corys but we might take them out and make a tiger barb tank, but if we don't i'll remember that.
What about other tank mates for the guppies?
Also I heard that you can keep neon tetras with the tiger barbs, is that true?
thanks again
The barbs wont eat Neons, As for tankmates for the guppies many a dwarf or honey gourami. What type is the pleco BTW?
FishyFriend101 said:
rubberlip pleco, so i can keep tiger barbs and neon tetras?
Whats the tank size? IMO id say no, unless the tiger barbs had a large school(which they should) of at least 8, this of course depends on the tank size.
it doesn't matter anymore we just got a few baby platys so were not going to switch the tank but thanks anyways

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