Mostly New Member
I got 3 guppies in a 3.5 gallon tank. What is the proper way to care for them? I know about partial water changes and how to test chemical levels.
I'm sorry, but you can't possibly know that. We don't, currently, have enough information from the OP to know what might be the cause of this.BettaBettas said:add distilled water to your tank with a 50% water change and everything will be fixed
Fish and plants need the trace minerals from water to be healthy. If you're going to use distilled water, it needs to have those trace minerals added back in, either by mixing with tap water, or by adding a remineralisation mix.BettaBettas said:I use it all the time, I have natural hard water so I have 2, and most of my friends use it. yes its fish safe, distilled water is DISTILLED theres Nothing in it