Guess What


New Member
Jun 19, 2011
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So I'm two weeks into my fish less cycle and am seriously thinking about my stocking.
My tank is 100 litres, 26 inches wide and 20 tall. Currently I have quite a few silk plants to build up some hiding areas, also a piece of mopani and a rock cave on a sand base. I have a fluval u3 filter so am over filtered.
Now I would like to have an amazon theme to the tank after research and I was thinking something along the lines of 2 rams (Bolivian or blues), an angelfish and 6 black phantom tetras.
Maybe some shrimp or snails aswell, I know in would have to look at getting full grown large shrimp otherwise they will simply become a light snack!
Any input, advice, ideas will be gratefully received.
if your 2 weeks into a fishless cycle you could be halfway there, hang in there keep dropping ammonia and testing...its no fun watching fish die due to ammonia poisioning...they also get damaged during a fish in cycle so wont be too healthy after the cycle is complete...also at the end of your fishless cycle you can add your full stock list to the tank, with a fish in cycle you have to add new fish a few at a time with a week or more inbetween,...
Not so sure i would want a pair of Rams with an Angel in a tank of that size......
I read that angels like from 78 to 84, Bolivian rams 77 to 79 and the germans like 80 so I would be able to match the Angela to the rams desired temp?
Please tell me if I'm wrong, just these are then figures I have found.
im not sure i was just trying to guess why TUX said he wouldnt put those fish in that tank, ive read they should be ok together.....if it were me, id have those together :good:

Not so sure i would want a pair of Rams with an Angel in a tank of that size......
please explain why not?
O ok thank you, I've read a lot of people in similar size tanks get on ok. They all will be happy in the pH range I have also
Got two more weeks for your cycle though!
True, ammonia is beginning to drop and the levels are staying constant so far So fingers crossed!

PH level that is
I know they should get along fine but it is always a risk. Angels can be tetchy at the best of times, I would be worried it would stress the Rams (if Bolivians) to death, could go either way with other rams that do not like being pushed around. It also only gets more complicated if the Rams pair or you get two males. It is probably do-able, just not what i would do. I think it comes down to what risks you are willing to take, i personally like to play it safe.
So your advice would be to steer away from Bolivians maybe more towards Germans?
I appreciate your thoughts thank you
Quite honestly, i don't know. Bolivians are fairly prone to stress from bullying compared to other Rams, they don't stick up for themselves very well (in my experience) compared to others, such as Germans, but with them you run the risk of it turning into a battle zone.
Yeah I guess its about finding the balance for them to stand up for themselves but not setting out for trouble. Reading up from what other people have done having hiding spots helps this situation
O ok thank you, I've read a lot of people in similar size tanks get on ok. They all will be happy in the pH range I have also
I just posted about this very thing elsewhere. In my experience angel fish change temperament as they get older. I would say that at first these fish would be fine but a year out the angels would likely give the Bolivians a hard time. That's just my experience with them. I would also say the angels would probably like a larger thank than that. That's my 2 cents anyway... :)

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