Green Terrors Spawned!


Fish Fanatic
Dec 8, 2012
Reaction score
Windsor, ON
So I just noticed my female GT in a pit in the corner of the tank that wasn't there yesterday. Went over to investigate and there are eggs in there with her! I wasn't expecting this so soon! They are less than a year old!

Now I have no idea what to do. I don't have another tank to move them into, or to move the JD and red tailed shark. I guess I will just see what happens! Should I still do water changes in this tank? They were due in just a couple of days from now...

Anyone have any experience in raising fry of these fish?
Apparently they laid eggs long before I noticed! The eggs are not eggs today, but wrigglers! I am so excited!
So far mom and dad are being great parents. They aren't being as aggresive with the other 2 fish as I thought they would.
They are even tolerating them on their side. The video I am posting will show this.

Again, pardon the algae on the glass as I still can't do tank maintenance on their side. You can see the wrigglers, although
the video isn't as clear as I would like it. It looks better in full screen.
thats great news, the video dont work though :(  do you have a picture of the green terrors?
im currently trying to breed my green terrors as well. :)
congrats anyway
I do have pics but can't load them here for some reason. I will post links to my FB album with them. The video has worked well on Youtube, FB and two other forums. I don't know what the problem could be. If you manage to get the video to work, I have other videos of all my tanks posted on my channel as well. The photos on FB are set to public so nobody should have a problem seeing them.
As for breeding them, I didn't do anything special and thought they were too young yet. I guess I was proven wrong, lol. They are in a 120g tank with lots of large rocks that form caves, large branches and no plants (except the algae that grows like crazy on EVERYTHING). They are fed once a day at night before the lights go out. The temp is always in the mid to upper 70's, the water is hard and alkaline. They get once a week water changes of 20%. They are fed a mix of foods on a rotating basis: flakes (which they prefer over pellets), pellets, frozen blood worms, frozen glass worms, frozen brine shrimp, frozen plankton, and live fish fry (guppies, endlers, platys). Of course the live and frozen are their favourite. That's really all I do, nothing special.
Here is the video again:
Here are the pics:!/photo.php?fbid=10151443862650516&set=a.10151258624585516.523150.546060515&type=1&theater!/photo.php?fbid=10151443863005516&set=a.10151258624585516.523150.546060515&type=1&theater!/photo.php?fbid=10151443866375516&set=a.10151258624585516.523150.546060515&type=1&theater
Feel free to look through the album if you want to. It has all kinds of pictures of my tanks and fish (and cats and frogs, lol).

Again, go full screen for the video and mind the algae!
stunning fish :eek:. how do you tell male to female though :/ as i have 3 and i aint got a clue haha
Thank you! I think they are beautiful! My male is larger and much more colourful than my female. He also has just the start of a hump on his forehead (although I understand the females can get this with age as well).
As an update to the fry, they are still in the pit and still have their yolk sacs, but their eyes are much more defined now. They also make short hops from rock to rock. I uploaded a new video of them to Youtube this morning and will include the link.
I just took a new video today of the fry free swimming! I will upload it tomorrow. I may also move the fry to the growout tank sooner than planned as the JD is showing too much interest in them, lol. I would like to save at least this first batch and see if there is any interest in them locally.

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