Green Terror With Clamped Fins


Let's Be Friends
Oct 2, 2011
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Just today my GT has had his fins camped, I tested the water and nitrite and ammonia were 0, did a 50% water change, and he's still got clamped fins for some reason. He's still moving around fine and such, and eating, but it's really nerve wrecking to see him like this. I haven't added anything new, no air conditioners in my room, absolutely nothing.

The other fish seem totally normal, aside from the severum who kinda shakes his fins now and then really quickly. Bit no clamping on him. The silver dollars are fine, no signs of illness, no spots, no flashing, it's quite bizarre.

Anyone have an idea what might be going on?
pH, temp? Is he getting bullied by anyone? Any other fish acting odd? Is he developing heavier mucous? Eating and dedicating normally?
pH, temp? Is he getting bullied by anyone? Any other fish acting odd? Is he developing heavier mucous? Eating and dedicating normally?
ph is 7.6, temp is 77F, as always, the severum pushes him around, but not more often than usual

Come to think of it, I did move my female convict over to this tank this morning as temporary homeage, but she hasn't so much as looked at him. I can't tell whether or not he does it more in her presence or not. His fins aren't even battered or torn.

He is eating and pooing normally, its not white or stringy. I don't see any excess mucus on him either.

Here's a picture really quickly taken, yes the outside of the glass is dirty, not sure how to clean it without harming the fish, but that's not the problem right now


It's a pretty bad picture, he still flares at me when I come by the tank, so I kept my distance a bit.

huh, well, I've been watching closely, he clamps his fins, turns on his side a little, and skoots out at the presence of the other cichlids. Sign of submission, I guess?

I love this guy, and I think I might just rehome the others if they're the ones making him uncomfortably like this.
It really does sound like he's being submissive. He does look to be healthy, other than the clamped fins. My guess if I had to make one would be, if he just started today, after the intro of your convict, that's the problem.
It really does sound like he's being submissive. He does look to be healthy, other than the clamped fins. My guess if I had to make one would be, if he just started today, after the intro of your convict, that's the problem.
That's rather bizarre, especially since the convict hasn't so much as looked at him, literally. she hasn't even flared at him.

I'm probably gonna go ahead and try to sell the severum, and I'm most likely gonna take my convict to work and put her up for adoption tomorrow. They're both great, but I'm not nearly as attached to them as I am to my GT.

I'll take the convict in and see if things go back to normal tomorrow, but I'm really kinda freaked out about the poor guy acting like this.

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