Green Terror Tank Mates?


Fish Crazy
Feb 19, 2014
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i have a 55 gallon tank and i want to get a green terror but i do want to have other fish to so i want to know if a sun catfish will be fine but if not what types of fish will be ok i want a catfish or another cichlid thanks
Do you already have it? I'd recommend a bigger tank than the 55 for them.
I also wouldn't really put much with them, as they have quite an aggressive reputation.
I havn't kept them myself though so it could be just that, a reputation.
HERE is some more information on them.
How many and how big is the green terror that you're planning to get?
Ninjouzata said:
Do you already have it? I'd recommend a bigger tank than the 55 for them.
I also wouldn't really put much with them, as they have quite an aggressive reputation.
I havn't kept them myself though so it could be just that, a reputation.
HERE is some more information on them.
i dont have it yet.
Tongue_Flicker said:
How many and how big is the green terror that you're planning to get?
i only want one and i plan to get a baby one like 3-4ins
I would only recommend the green terror by itself in a tank that size. They get pretty big, but in a 55 with other fish it would most likely end up killing them due to small territory issues.
I've had a green terror with semi-agressive community fish in a 55 gallon. Tiger barbs mainly and he never bothered them. He was about 8 inches. Gorgeous fish. For the most part you would have to keep him by himself.

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