Green Rasboras?


Mostly New Member
Mar 31, 2015
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Hello and sorry for all the posts but I had a question regarding Green rasboras, at least that's what my Lfs had them down as.

I rather liked the look of that little green fish, and thought it'd compliment my other colored fish I'm getting. I'm just wondering if they'd be safe in my community of fish, seeing as how their a bit smaller than the neon's I'm buying. So for anyone that knows thank you for your time and help.
Sounds like its Green Microrasboras - microdevario kubotai
I had some of these little guys in a 10 gallon tank, shares with endlers, red cherry shrimsp and assassin snails. They're pretty nice and a lovely shade of green.
Though can be a little timid or skittish so would not put these guys in with much larger fish in a community tank, similar sized species works best.
Thank you, I guess they won't work in my tank after all.
I've not kept them myself but I've seen them a few times and they are a lovely looking fish. They'll be fine with neons as there's no way a neon could see them as food but they'd be no good with something such as an angelfish ... they'd be eaten in seconds.
If your planning on keeping other small fish then I'd think they'd be a lovely addition.
What other stock were you planning?
Nayelismama said:
Thank you, I guess they won't work in my tank after all.
Well, thats hard to know if we do not know what you have in your tank.
Perhaps if you could list what you have along with tank size and ph, and hard/soft water we might be able to help you with stocking suggestions.
agreeing with Ch4rlie. We're here to help and advise :)
Ah yes my planned tank stock, it's looking like purple harlequin rasboras, Neon tetras, Orange flame tetras, honey gourami, and habrosus corycats.
I think they'd be fine with all of those. I have some of the purple harlequins (the one's with the dark blue body and a gold head and fins) and they don't get big by any means. Same with the neons. I'm not familiar with the orange flame tetra but tetra's don't get big enough to eat a micro rasbora. Not sure on the gourami though ... see what Ch4rlie thinks seen as he has some :)
I have some & haven't found them skittish, mine are always out & about the're like the Duracell bunny the just don't stop!.
As for size they're not as small as you might think, they're about ember tetra size.
Hmm, gouramis don't do well with lively fish, such as guppies for example.
But from the sounds of it, might be passable.
Whats the tank size btw and water ph and hadrness etc
That's pretty small [Ember Tetra size]. 
If we are talking the same species, Microdevario kubotai, the mature size is 15-20mm, or less than 2 cm, or about 3/4 of an inch max.  You have to be careful with tankmates, not just worrying about this little fish being eaten, but being seen.
This species, like the dwarf rasbora in Boraras, are best in smallish tanks but with small fish.  I agree that the Neons might not bother them (though this is not at all a certainty) but the gourami is a bit large and the Flame Tetra definitely.  Again, it is not so much the aggression, but just the general combination, if that makes any sense.  Activity levels figure in this too.
And to illustrate, Ch4rlie's tank is the perfect sort of set-up.  I have a similar 33g of SE Asian fish, with Boraras maculatus (similarly tiny), Trigonostigma hengeli (these remain considerably smaller than the more common and related Harlequin), pygmy sparkling gourami, and two species of dwarf loach.  It is thick with wood and plants.  One of my local stores has M. kubotai in at present, and I am considering some for this set-up.
Ch4rlie said:
Hmm, gouramis don't do well with lively fish, such as guppies for example.
But from the sounds of it, might be passable.
Whats the tank size btw and water ph and hadrness etc
Tank size is 48 by 13 by 25, pH is 7.4 and hardness is 9.2 grains per gallon.
I'd have to disagree on microdevario kubotai being good for small tanks, as I said, mine are incredibly active swimmers & use every inch of a 3ft tank
Lillefishy said:
I'd have to disagree on microdevario kubotai being good for small tanks, as I said, mine are incredibly active swimmers & use every inch of a 3ft tank
I should have been more specific.  I meant "small" as opposed to "large," nothing more, and in the sense we tend to think of fish sizes in the two.  My 33g I mentioned is 3 feet, and that to me is small.  SF gives 50cm (24 inches) as minimum.
Nayelismama said:
Tank size is 48 by 13 by 25, pH is 7.4 and hardness is 9.2 grains per gallon.
Nice, a 4 foot tank assuming your measurments are in inches, around 250 litres or 65 gals US.
However if measurements are in cm, then that is a very small tank, 16 litres or 4 gals US.
Fairly important to know which is the correct measurements.
pH at 7.4 and water is fairly hard, there are lots of stocking options but dependant on correct tank size.

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