Gravel Vacuum


New Member
Jun 2, 2013
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I purchased a gravel vacuum recently and have no idea how to use it. I found the instructions confusing and after searching the Internet I'm still no wiser on how to use it. So I was wondering if anyone else knew, a picture of the vacuum I have is attached.
There are some good videos on YouTube showing how to use it properly. That's where I learnt to use mine :)
I couldn't get those type of cleaners to work either.
I went out and bought one that has a pump in the middle of the hose. All I do is stick the larger end in the tank the smaller end in a bucket and give the pump 3 squeezes, hey presto suction.
Here is a video showing you how to use a gravel vac, however, in her second demonstration, don't wait as along as she did to place it back into the water, immediately after lifting the vac, once you get a stream, you can them place it back into the water.
Not sure what type you have, but for most just simply sucking on the end should start it. Other ones you pump up and down in the water, and others you turn sideways so the whole siphon is under the water, let it fill with water, put it above the water and then quickly drop back down. That makes no sense at all does it haha...
My cleaner was from pets at home. Its for a bio-orb tank. It has a blue squeeze pump half way. I put the larger end in the tank, narrow end in bucket. I then give the blue pump bit 3/5 squeezes and instant suction. It works every time.
I did originally bought 1 of those ones you move up and down quickly in the tank, I couldn't get it to work.

This is the cleaner I use, found a link.
I have the same pump/vacuum as you.
Place the large end in the tank, make sure that the small end is in a bucket and that the bucket (with the small end) is lower than the pickup (large end), squeeze the pump a few times until the flow starts. It will then syphon.
To stop the flow lift the small end above the level of the tank water.
Repeat as required.
To end lift the pickup (large end) out of the water.
i have two methods one is placing it into the water and giving the end of the hose (were the water comes out) a little suck if your not comfortable with sucking it then simply place the vaccum underwater and move it up and down really fast this may take a bit longer
any recommendation to purchasing a power vacum for tanks to syphon out gravel.

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