Gourami With Hole Completely Through It's Bodys


New Member
Mar 18, 2013
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Hi I am new to the forum. I have a 6 year old guarani that has developed a hole going directly through it's stomach area. I don't think this came from an injury, none of the fish bother him at all and they have all been together for years. You could actually stick a pencil straight through him if you tried. If you look into the hole you can see the inside of the fish (Stomach and gills). Has anyone seen this before? He is swimming and eating just fine. So he seems to be a happy fish except for his hole.
All of the other fish in the tank are fine.
 I have enclosed a few pictures. 


Wow. I've never seen anything like that before. I would try to isolate this fish, just to be sure that there's nothing crazy happening. Then keep the tank full of warm and clean water for a while. I would hate to do any sort of medicine, but maybe some antibiotics wouldn't hurt. You don't want there to be any sort of infection.
How long has he been like this?
Thanks Fish Crazy. He has been like this for about a week
rlcarbo said:
Thanks Fish Crazy. He has been like this for about a week
"Fish Crazy" is just the title I have for my number of posts. :D My user is attibones.
Anyway, was this a gradual thing? If so, it may be very important to move him immediately and do a water change. I don't know what else you should do.
  If fish could be anorexic, that would be what it'd look like. Has she been eatting well?
Yeah I have to agree. The fish looks very malnourished, I'd check that she's eating properly. But extremely weird issue you have here
luck in resolving this!

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