Gourami - Is This Popeye?


Mostly New Member
Oct 4, 2013
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So I was feeding my fish just a minute ago and noticed that my Gourami has a big red swollen eye. He's been eating completely fine, but have noticed that for the past few days he has been swimming back and forth across the tank (not sure if this is normal).
Not sure if this is popeye?

It's a 125 litre tank and the water parameters are:
ammona 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 20
ph 7
looks like it.
the fish could have hit it and then it got infected.. what the best thing to do is to keep the water quality up. do around 50% water change before adding in any meds to help treat it. metaflex or pimeflex are the brand i usually use when treating a fish for something and they work great.
so do 50% water change. adding in the new treated water slowly.. like the drip method but you don't tie the hose... the water is added like that to not shock the fish. then add the meds in... in 3 days do another 50% water change and repeat until fish is back to normal.
you can also add in some salts, as long as you don't have anything in the tank that will be affected by it.
Strange how it just sprung up. I'll have to see if I can grab some meds from my LFS. Thanks for the advice, I'll give it a go.
How do I know if other fish are affected by salts?
I have yoyo loaches, peppered corydoras, cardinal tetras, swordtails and platys.
Corys being armoured are sensitive to salt.
Tetras being Blackwater will probably not be a big fan of much salt either.
Would be easier to treat him seperate if you have another tank I would say
One of my sparkling gouramis had popeye which looked worse than what your pic looks like, If it is just an injury and nothing more serious then I just did a few daily PWCs and mine was back to normal within the week.
b3cca said:
Corys being armoured are sensitive to salt.
Tetras being Blackwater will probably not be a big fan of much salt either.
Would be easier to treat him seperate if you have another tank I would say
One of my sparkling gouramis had popeye which looked worse than what your pic looks like, If it is just an injury and nothing more serious then I just did a few daily PWCs and mine was back to normal within the week.
Last has'n't necessairily to be totally true. Often there is an internal infection going on that's difficult to cure. Could be one of the first symptoms of Dwarf Gourami Disease (Iridovirus) as well. Especially these blue ones are prone to it.
I'd try a antibacterial / antibiotic med and keep the water pristine !!
Cheers Aad

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