Gourami I Suspect Was Bitten By Another Fish..gills Are Very Red


New Member
Dec 6, 2012
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Hi everyone I have had two gouramis living peacfully in my tank..My brother went and bought a male betta and added it to the tank. When I got home from work the next day I noticed that one of the gouramis wasnt moving, just lying at the bottom of the tank so I placed them both in the hospital tank (I recalled reading that bettas and gouramis dont mix well but didnt want my brother to get upset) I have a magnifying container so I can inspect sick fish.

I noticed that the gills were damaged, it nearly looks like they have been bitten off (if that is a possibility, I dont know) they are also very red. The gouramis tails are both bitten and you can see blood lines (or red markings along the fins where chunks of tail have been damaged.

One has passed away, the other is still alive, still getting medication (salt and melafix). He isnt eating and I feel really bad I know he is probably in pain but is there any chance of survival for him? Sometimes I check him and he is swimming up at the surface and other times he is listless at top or bottom of tank.

Any suggestions?
Sorry to hear you lost a gourami. Male betta are renown for not being good with other tank mates, especially other labyrinth fish like gourami, so my guess would be that he didn't take kindly to them. I would either set up a 5gal tank (cycled and heated of course), for the male betta (they generally do best by themselves), or return him to the shop.

Also, what size tank is it? And how long as it been set up for? Have you checked your water stats to be sure that there aren't any quality issues? Lots of clean water will also be beneficial to him if he's to recover.
Probably should have let your brother get upset, rather than killing your gouramis. Better rehome or return the betta if you dont want the other to have the same fate.
Flute, thanks for your help!Tank is 60l..It has only been running with the fish in it for 3 weeks..The hospital tank is only 20l with the gourami in it at the moment. Stats in the main tank are as follows
Ammonia 0-0.25 (I say this because it isnt yellow it has a greenish tint but def not reading accurately at 0.25
Nitrates 40
cl 0
kh 6d
gh 16d
ph 7.2

Hospital stats
cl 0
kh 3-6d
gh 16d
ph 7.2

Dreamer, I removed the gouramis as soon as I came back and put them in the hospital tank, I just wish I would have been home sooner to take quicker action. The betta is still in the main tank but isnt bothering any of the other fish.

What ways can I medicate him other than what I am already doing..Someone suggested getting treatment for fin rot, would that help or is the melafix something similar.

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