Gourami Feeding Problem


May 23, 2012
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I have recently put a dwarf gourami in a tank with some black phantom tetras. They get along fine and peacefully, but at feeding time the tetras snatch all the food, zooming around like missiles to grab every piece, and the gourami is a more leisurely feeder and ends up with barely a crumb. I'm worried he's not getting enough. How can I ensure he is not starved without putting too much food in the tank? (I have been feeding mostly flake and fish crisps, and some sinking wafers for the shrimps I have).
i have this problem with our dwarf gouramis - i just push a bit of the flake under the surface in their general area so it floats down to them and leave the rest to be snatched up by the others :)
Try sprinking some on the top as usual, and at the same time put some flake food in an egg cup with a little of the tank water and pour into the tank. The sprinkled flake will float and the soaked flake will sink. If you do this either end of the tank they should all get their fair share as the tetras cant be at the top and bottom at the same time! :good:
Thanks for the tips. The gourami seems to have finally figured out he needs to be a bit more active in going for the food (probably driven by hunger!) and is making more of an effort. Plus I found feeding frozen bloodworms gave him more of a chance too as he seems to be able to spot ones the tetras don't see. I will try the "wet flake" technique tomorrow and see how that goes.
I have tetras and gourami aswell and at feeding time I use a syringe with flakes inside, so I just squirt food in using that, and the gourami has learned to sit just infront of it and get flakes as I squirt them out, and the tetras get what he misses, and then some more when he is full.
I put some water in a shot glass and tipped the flakes in today. He got a good portion while the tetras happlily picked from the surface.

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