Gourami Dying!


Apr 11, 2013
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I just got 3 dwarf gourami.  One male, 2 females.  The one female just started hanging around the top yesterday.  She won't eat and is too weak to swim away very fast when I put my hand in the tank.  Now she's hardly moving and she looks close to death.  The tank is very clean and I just changed the water in case there was a problem with it.  I have 0 nitrates and ammonia and the ph is 7.4.  The only other fish in the tank with them are a few cory fry, who are very healthy and active.  I've been feeding the fish bloodworms, mysis shrimp, shrimp pellets, and tropical flakes.  I just got the trio only a few days ago.  They were all healthy, including the other fish at the LFS.  Did I do something wrong?

I just checked on her and she's dead. 
  Is there anything i can do so the other fish don't die?
You say you've measured Ammonia and Nitrates, what about Nitrites? Also you might just have got a sick fish who hasn't coped with the stress of moving from the LFS to your tank.
Dwarf Gouramis increasingly suffer from Dwarf Gourami Iridovirus, known as DGIV or Dwarf Gourami Disease. Are there any sores or lesions on the fish's body, does it seem swollen at all?
Also you said, 0ppm for nitrate. Are you sure about this? Did you mean nitrite?
How long has the tank been set up?
I'm not sure what the difference is between nitrate and nitrite, but yes, I meant nitrite.  I only have 3 testing kits.  ph, nitrite, and ammonia.  
The tank's been up for 3 years I think.  It's fully cycled and all.  
There were no sores or broken fins.  The fish were the healthiest dwarf gourami I've seen before.  The females were plumping up with eggs and the male was very colorful.  
I asked the pet shop lady (a gourami expert) about DGD and she said they were fine and I needn't worry.  
This is not the first time I've kept gouramis.
Now the 2 others are sitting around and aren't very active.  I'm afraid I might lose them to in a day or 2.  I'm pretty sure it's not DGD and the other fish in the tank are fine.  The water is clean and all and I didn't dump any of the LFS water in the tank.    
Perhaps look at investing in a better testing kit that tests more than just the three. There's loads out there but I think a lot of people use the API master kit as it seems to give good readings. You'll be able to start narrowing down where the issues are
I'm not sure what the difference is between nitrate and nitrite, but yes, I meant nitrite.  I only have 3 testing kits.  ph, nitrite, and ammonia.  
Oh.. My... Gawd. *facepalm* - I must suggest that you visit here: http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/forum/236-beginner-starting-point/
I asked the pet shop lady (a gourami expert) about DGD and she said they were fine and I needn't worry.  
She is always going to say that - she doesn't want you returning fish.
As akfox said above, invest in a decent water test kit, such as the API Master Kit. PH, Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate.
The pet shop lady is very honest and she's never lied to me.  I'm in a small town and they're very generous. I've returned fish to her before (because I kept their fry and needed to get rid of them) and she payed me for them. I just don't think the gourami died of DGD.    
I'll check out the API Master Kit.
Do you think my water is the problem?  I've never had ich, algae outbreaks, fin rot, or any disease (besides my tera having problems).  Would overstocking have caused the fish's death?  I do have a lot of cory fry in there, I'm just waiting for them to get a bit bigger before I sell them.  Should I move them out?  
Ok, I saw the kit and I actually have all those tests but one.  The Nitrate.  I'll be sure to get that.  
As you stated above, you have 0 ammonia and nitrites, so unless your nitrates are rediculously high it shouldn't be your water.
I would say though, as stated in another topic, your tank isn't suitable for 1 dwarf gourami, let alone 3. This could of been a contributing factor to their demise.
We did all warn you that it's just... too... small.
I know, but I'm pretty sure that wasn't the cause.  They were fine at the LFS and that was a 8 or something.  Such a sudden death puzzles me.  Fish have never died on me unless it's for an obvious reason.  
the other 2 gouamis seem ok, for not at least.
Ammonia - NH3
Nitrite - NO2
Nitrate - NO3
The extra oxygen in the molecule makes a word of difference.
Though if it is DGD then all three of them will perish with no hope for a cure. You probably shouldn't get any more of the dwarf variety in that tank as the disease could live on.
How much time should I give it?  If my 2 are fine I'd like to get another female so there's no bullying.  

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