I just got 3 dwarf gourami. One male, 2 females. The one female just started hanging around the top yesterday. She won't eat and is too weak to swim away very fast when I put my hand in the tank. Now she's hardly moving and she looks close to death. The tank is very clean and I just changed the water in case there was a problem with it. I have 0 nitrates and ammonia and the ph is 7.4. The only other fish in the tank with them are a few cory fry, who are very healthy and active. I've been feeding the fish bloodworms, mysis shrimp, shrimp pellets, and tropical flakes. I just got the trio only a few days ago. They were all healthy, including the other fish at the LFS. Did I do something wrong?
I just checked on her and she's dead.
Is there anything i can do so the other fish don't die?
I just checked on her and she's dead.