Mostly New Member
Help!! >< my giant gourami appears to be vomiting blood i have had her for almost 2 years now, and she seems healthy. She is very playful and active, so this is very worrying. Help?
Nope, i didn't feed her anything red. I don't train her to eat bloodworms, her diet consisting mostly of brown fish pellets, vegetables or fruits. Thank you for your reply ^^Ch4rlie said:This sounds very unusual, not something I've heard of to be honest.
Did you feed bloodworms or some red pellets/food to the gourami and she is spitting the food out perhaps?
I do, actually, but i can't seem to post it while on my phone. I'll definitely try to attach a photo later on my computer. Thanks for your response! ><Blondielovesfish said:Do you have a picture?