Got some new food!!


Fish Addict
Sep 7, 2004
Reaction score
Leicester, England
I bought some catfish wafers as was suggested by people here and I also bought some frozen bloodworm to keep in ther freezer! Girlfriend not too happy that I have bloodworm in freezer :-( but not to worry, she'll come round!

Anyway, fed the danios and platys on there usual flake and granule, dropped in the wafer for the corys and it sunk no probs but they just didn't seem interested in it at all. I am hoping that this a sign that they aren't really too hungry and that they will progressivly get more used to feeding in the tank as the last thing I want is for them to be goners;especially as I looking to to build my tank round them and have a real good catfish/plec setup.

Although the tank is only small I am definately getting in a bristlenose as I think they are so cool, then i reckon I am going to move my Danios in to another smaller tank at my Mum and Dad's house which I think I am going to eventually use as a quarantine tank. Any suggestions on good plecs/cats to go in 70 litre tank please step forward and let yourselves be heard!!
just so u know cories aren't really algae eaters. plecos, siamese, chines algae eaters. Cories in my experience just eat the food that drops to the bottom. Hope this helps.
just read the second part. I would recommend spotted Raphael catfish. U could do a search but the pics really don't do them justice. They are very peaceful and are like an armored car. I call mine " The Beast" I can't really recommend anything else as u have a pretty small tank. Bristlenoses are a great choice.good luck
Just because he said "catfish wafers" doesn't mean they are algae wafers. I don't know what comes in the cory food wafers that Hikari makes, but my corys go nuts for the things. :)
I currently have Bronze Corys and think I am going to add a couple more into the tank this weekend to make them feel a bit more at home because the danios I have are really bullying them a bit at the minute!!

Any other cats or plecs that anyone can suggest for a small tank like mine??

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