Got Some Amazing New Additions To My Shrimp Tank Today - Pinocchio Shr


Fish Crazy
Jul 8, 2013
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We have a fairly new Maidenhead Aquatics near where I live (only just discovered this!) and they specialize in invertebrates, I popped there today and notice two amazing looking shrimps, the bloke had took the label off as he thought he did not have any left.  Turns out they are Pinocchio Shrimp, most funny and active shrimp I have ever seen! I also picked up some Rili Shrimp but they are nothing compared to these fellas!
Don't they just have the best eyes!!


Lovely shrimp, I have a very similar species of red nosed shrimp called Darwin Red Nosed. The eyes are really cool on these guys and I love how they hover like a helicopter.
Sounds very similar, just like a helicopter, very agile!
The red-noses for sale in the UK are not freshwater shrimp. They will die after 3-6 months in freshwater. It is best not to buy them. If you can take them back to your MA shop I would do so.
I am not sure this information is correct, are you referring to 'Caridina gracilirostris' which is what I have? I have not found any information that states they are not freshwater, I know the 'can' be kept in brackish and the will only breed in brackish. As far as I know they would not tolerate a marine setup as there would be too much salinity.
Taking them back to the shop will not help much as they sold them from freshwater aquariums....

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