Got Me A Hillstream Loach


New Member
Feb 22, 2012
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Bay Area, CA
So from what I have read Hilstream loaches can eat a variety, though fresh algea is a major bonus for them.

My guy is still pretty small, not much longer than an inch. Figured I'd throw him some fresh food (I almost always have zucchini in the house) every now and again and let him clean up some of the fish food. I have a bubbler to help simulate a "fast stream" and he has a ton of hiding spots.

Anything I am missing?

high turnover to simulate a fast current

well oxygeneated water (lots of water surface disturbance)

temperate temperature rather than tropical.
Which species do you have? Many "hillstream loach" are carnivores rather than vegetarians, they are associated with algae because in the wild it is crawling with tiny critters known as "aufwuchs."

A bubbler does not sound as if it will be good enough, these fish need tanks with relatively masses of water current, especially in the form of water surface rippling (one of the commonest reasons for death is suffocation, the water needs to be highly asaturated with oxygen so that some will pass into their specialized red blood cells). You ought to be looking at a powerhead that gives 15-20x true water turnover per hour, that is blowing across the water surface.
My tank is tall so if the water is low even the smallest amount it gets pretty rough inside. I will turn things up for the fish though. The top of the tank looks like very rapidly boiling water, but slightly bigger "waves" (if that is helpful at all).

Is there a way to tell what your actual oxygen levels are?

Mine is a "butterfly" style if that helps. I only have a picture of the belly from the petstore at the moment.
I have currently got a few different kinds of hillstream loach and have kept others in the past. Apart from what has been said above, I would also say that on the whole they are social fish who enjoy their own kind. Obviously there are exceptions to this, but most of the commonly available species are best in groups of 6 or more. As has also been said, I will second that they do not specifically eat algae, they eat the micro organisms that live in it. Some of mine do munch on algae wafers, but they prefer slurping bloodworm like spaghetti.
Oh and your surface agitation ssounds fine. What is your water temperature? remember that cooler water can carry more oxygen.
I will have to check the temp when I get home, I think its around 73ish. I keep a probe thermoter in my tank so I know for sure (perk of being a reptile owner, I have them in abondance, haha).

I can lower it though, there are no other picky fish with the loach. I am going to have the tank setup around the loach. I could possibly fit one more loach if they really do max out at around 3", however I will boarder line overstocked since I have a couple of platys.. 15gal.

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