Got Ich In A Planted Tank With Inverts


Fish Crazy
Apr 30, 2010
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Hiya - so I bought some Nannostomus unifasciatus today - and in my opinion one of them has 3 spots of ich on him - bought inadvertently, and the rest are clean. The tank they are in has plants and inverts (shrimp and snails). The recommended treatment (without medication) is to bring the tank up to 88F and then add 1tsp salt per gallon. The heat will be fine - as my shrimp are Caridina Simoni Simoni and are tropical - I am worried about the salt addition though - any ideas?
I would be far better if you could move your inverts to an isolation tank.
Agreed with WILDER. If you could move them, do the treatment, remove with large water changes, and then add them, it would be far better then medication.

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