I know people have asked this question before, in fact, I've responded with my opinions sometimes. well it's my turn to get your opinions
So it's a 5 gal tank, standard size. It has a 10 gal capacity filter with adjustable flow. Temp is around 76-78, pH is 8 ish, nearing cycle (I know I did a no-no with a fish in cycle, but I wasn't expecting to get a Betta but when I saw him i couldn't help it. Theres media from my 30 g tank in the filter to help kick start it.)
Anyways, there is currently ...I guess it would be Mini Vallisneria plant, it only grew a few inches high in my 30 g, and it isn't growing any higher in the 5 gal. I also have some Hornwart floating around on the surface and a small bit of Anubias on a piece of drift wood in the tank. So not a bad start so far, but I want this tank to be filled with plants.
I was thinking of getting some Pennywart but I don't know if it would do well as the last bit I bought never recovered from it's melt. And it's leaves aren't very broad and Betta friendly
(By the way I am not getting any more Amazon Swords or Java fern, I can grow those myself for said tank) I want some other plants
Preferably hardy and rather low light, as his light is only on 6 hours a day max for the most part.
So it's a 5 gal tank, standard size. It has a 10 gal capacity filter with adjustable flow. Temp is around 76-78, pH is 8 ish, nearing cycle (I know I did a no-no with a fish in cycle, but I wasn't expecting to get a Betta but when I saw him i couldn't help it. Theres media from my 30 g tank in the filter to help kick start it.)
Anyways, there is currently ...I guess it would be Mini Vallisneria plant, it only grew a few inches high in my 30 g, and it isn't growing any higher in the 5 gal. I also have some Hornwart floating around on the surface and a small bit of Anubias on a piece of drift wood in the tank. So not a bad start so far, but I want this tank to be filled with plants.
I was thinking of getting some Pennywart but I don't know if it would do well as the last bit I bought never recovered from it's melt. And it's leaves aren't very broad and Betta friendly
(By the way I am not getting any more Amazon Swords or Java fern, I can grow those myself for said tank) I want some other plants