Good Fish Ideas For My Tank?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 15, 2012
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I have a tank which I'm not putting fish in for another 2 weeks yet, but I've been thinking of many different kinds of fish to put in, my ideas on what to put in the tank keep on changing! For a while I've wanted Neon Tetra's but now I'm moving on to wanting Cardinal Tetra's instead because they are hardier, and they look a bit more brightly coloured and attractive. I know that I'm transferring my two small-ish Black Molly's into this new tank from my other, not too old, tank which will be good. I'm also now thinking of having two Honey Gourami's in there as well which would be nice because they are non-aggressive and very beautiful. I'm hoping to also get a group of Corydoras , maybe Panda Corydoras. These are only just thoughts at the moment but I know that I really, really want to get Cardinal Tetras!

I've had a few different fish ideas in the past for this tank, like getting another Molly, a Blood Red Molly to accompany the two, smaller, Black Molly's. I have thought about getting those hybrid Endler fish, but I can't find them in any fish shops near me. All sorts of different ideas really.

(My fish tank is a tall, 60 liter tank)

Currant Prototype Fish List for New Tank (May Change) -
  • 6 Cardinal Tetra's
  • 2 Black Molly's
  • 2 Honey Gourami's
  • 6 Panda (or other breed) Corydoras
I would really like to hear what you guys and gals' think of this list. Would like to know if it's a good or bad list of fish. Suggestions for different kinds of fish are most welcome!
Very similar to the stocking I had in my 60L. I had 6 cardinals, 6 cories (the cories will be happier in groups of 6+), a dwarf gourami and a some male guppies. I'm not a fan of mollies but I dont see why you couldn't have them in your tank.
I'm glad you like the sound of it! Do you think there is room for any more fish if I had that exact list?
I probably wouldn't add any more fish than are on that list (remembering the cardinals and cories, you'll want at least six of each).
Panda's are my favourite breed of Cory, but they are nice too.
Yeah, do cory's get very big?

That's like saying Do dogs get very big? - Great Danes do, Chihuahuas don't.

Pandas are among the smallest of the normal sized cories, there are a few species of dwarf cories as well which are significantly smaller, and there are some much larger species as well.
I've got false juliis and wish I had pandas! They're lovely fish, I think it's just a case of the grass being greener on the other side.
I've decided I won't be having any Black Molly's in the tank, so at the moment, still on Cardinal's and Gourami's for the swimmers... but what else do you think?
I am probably going to get a Half Moon Betta for my new tank now along with my Cardinal Tetras which I'm getting as well!

I probably won't be getting Gouramis now because Bettas nip big fins. I might also have a Pleco of some sort instead of Corys but I'm not sure right now.

My list of fish for my tank so far -
  • 1 Half Moon Betta
  • 6-8 Cardinal Tetras
  • Pleco/Corys?
I think that would work well, but it depends on the betta. Be sure to add him last so that he doesn't see the tank as 'his' and get narky at the other fish. Mine is fine with pygmy cories for company.

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