Good Deal Or What?


i need to stop buying plants....
Sep 26, 2011
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went to a carboot... saw a box of fluval filters the 2 lots of the 105 and 1 of the 205... got them as well as the media the piping, a 300w heater and a light starter for only £15 =D good deal or what?
how much do they normally sell for?
ohh wow so not to bad then... how much do they go for second hand?
That's a real good deal you got there. The fluvals are so over priced when new. I wouldn't buy them again unless I had a deal like that.

As Peter C said, £75 for a new 106. I only paid £7 more for a brand new tetratec ex1200, delivered :)
I paid about £75 for a brand new 206 - delivered. Seemed fairly reasonable to me (which is why I bought it). :unsure: I guess it depends on whether you buy online or not as well. Prices from LFS' and online shops cannot be compared.
My ex1200 was bought online. I could of only for a 206 on the same site for the price I paid for the tetratec. The fluvals are just too overpriced and iv found they don't perform as well as the tetratecs. Iv had an interpet pf4, all pond solution ef2000 (with uv), fluval U2, 205, 306, 405, 406 and fx5. Prefer my ex1200 to all of these.
looks like i got a good deal then =] really pleased with the 105... its running almost silently in my room. (internal filter broke the other day)

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