Goldfish Swimming Vertically & Floating


Two Eels Are Better Than One
Chatroom Moderator
Mar 23, 2013
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Hey there. Thankfully was able to fix up my ranchus last time they were sick. This time only one is affected. She is swimming vertically and then floating to the top of the tank.
I've been in Canada since March 12th and won't be back til June 4th, so my dad has been taking care of all the fish.
That is why I have to update some of this information later since we can only communicate via facebook since I don't have phone service here.
This tank was fully cycled with ammonia using the method here so I don't think it's a water quality issue but who knows. The tank was moved (just from my room to the hallway) a day or so ago.
I asked if he did anything to the filters so again I'll update on that when I know.
Some of this info is in the copy/paste below but wanted to write it anyways. It's just the two ranchus in a 29 gallon tank and they get 75% weekly water changes although I think my dad has been doing 50% weekly instead. They each get fed 10 saki-hikari fancy goldfish pellets twice a day and then a cube of spirulina brine shrimp. On wednesdays they get emerald entree instead of the brine shrimp, and on saturdays they get bloodworms and zucchini instead of pellets or other frozen foods.
Tank size: 29 gallons
I will post the ph, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and temperature when I hear back from my dad. I know this information is important but I want to know ASAP what can possibly be done to help her.
Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): Swimming vertically and floating to the top of the tank

Volume and Frequency of water changes: I was doing 75% weekly but I believe my father has been doing 50% each week.

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: Prime dechlorinator

Tank inhabitants: 2 Ranchu Goldfish

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): None
Exposure to chemicals: Prime for water changes

Digital photo (include if possible): I don't have any recent pictures but do have a facebook video..had to change some privacy settings so it would be visible.
She seems to be doing better is a new video, also shows the water test results although I realize that's not the most accurate way to see them.
He sent me a picture of the results as well and from what I could see it was pH 7.2, ammonia 0ppm, nitrite 0ppm, and nitrate 0-5ppm. Temperature is 76F.
Here is the pic in a spoiler if anyone wants to see cause its super big for some reason.
So I guess it's not an emergency now but it'd still be good to know what to do in case this happens again. I freak out and worry so much any time something happens to my ranchus
I had a Red Serpae Tetra who swam as if on a pogo-stick. Never swam horizontally or stopped to rest. Expert at Petco told me it had swim bladder. They get it when they come to the surface to get a piece of food and at the same time take in a gulp of air. She advised dropping the food where the pump water re-enters the tank. I was shutting off pump until most of the food was gone, trying to keep the food from feeding the filter instead of my fish. The force of the flow will sink the food so no fish will take in air. As far as I know, there is no cure. I humanely put my Tetra out of its misery.
Swimbladder is the most likely issue here, especially in short fancy goldfish. The shorter or fatter the fish, the less control they have over their swim bladder.
Swimbladder issues is not usually fatal.
The most common cause of swim bladder in goldfish is quite simply food.
Floating food like flakes, floating sticks and pellets means the goldfish takes the food from surface of the water but at the same time it takes in air, thus resulting in air bubble inside the goldfish and therefore cannot right itself or swim properly at all, indeed they can appear as if dead by floating upside down at water surface, but in fact they are likely to be ok, just full of air.
Goldfish that are shorter or fatter like your Ranchu whihc is basically a fancy goldfish variety commonly suffer from swim bladder issues but the longer slender bodied goldies like commons do not really suffer from this.
The answer is simply not to feed for 24 hours, the end result is the fish should likely right itself slowly during the 24 hours fasting.
Instead try feeding sinking foods, Saki Hikari and frozen foods such as brineshrimp and daphnia for example should help prevent this swim bladder in your Ranchu from happening again.
We do feed sinking foods and the like so I think it may just be an issue of soaking the pellets which I'll make sure is done from now on, and not feeding for a day is good to know as well.
Thank you :) Will continue to keep an eye on her..or well my dad will until I get back :p
you can also thaw some frozen peas, remove the skin and feed those to her with a day or so of fasting afterwards.  Really helps.
I will let my dad know, thank you Stephanie.
She started up again the other day, here's another video although it's quite similar to the first one I posted.
My dad has been soaking the pellets so I'm not sure what the issue is, told him to not feed for 24 hours and see if that helps but I havn't gotten an update, I think he's been pretty busy.
He did not mention to me if fasting helped although he has since tried the de-shelled peas and said that seemed to help. I just wish I knew why this keeps happening when we're supposedly doing everything right :(

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