Golden Ram Has Vanished :(

Peter C

Fish Crazy
Apr 30, 2012
Reaction score
Carlisle. England
Current fish in tank, 1 male an 1 female golden rams, about 5 neons and about 5 bronze corys

Went to feed them just then and the male golden ram is missing. There's a lid on the tank so he hasn't jumped out

Any idea where he could have gone? Surely the others couldn't and wouldn't av eaten him??
Surely the others couldn't and wouldn't av eaten him??

sure they could, if he died....process of elimination....

if he didnt jump, if hes not in the tank, if hes not in the filter....that means he is fish food
My money is on that he died and his body is somewhere in the tank. With the amount of fish you've got, I wouldn't have thought his body would be completely gone yet. Have a look around, he's in there somewhere.
If he is not hidden under rocks, plants or other decor, in the filter etc, he will have died and become fish food :(
He's too big to fit in the filter, it's got one of those done things on the intake pipe

Iv shifted the rocks but he isn't there and he was only there yesterday so can't imagine him being eaten in that amount of time, and even then there would av been a skeleton left over surely?
I had four corys disappear - 1 a night and theyre suppose to have armour! Sorry for your loss
Have a look around your tank, I lost a female paradise fish for a couple of days, then I found it behind a sofa about a metre from the tank, and I have a lid on my tank too.....god only knows how she got out but she did :-(

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