Golden Nugget Pleco


New Member
Jul 15, 2012
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Hi, i have a golden nugget And im a bit worried that it is not eatting!! I offer cucumber, frozen blood worm, brin srimp, alge waffers, sunken pellets.
All the other fish eat well and my commen pleco eats, i know they only come out at night to eat but i never see him eatting! Does anyone have any ideas what i can do to male him eat or does anyone know how long they will live for if there not eatting!??
Thank you
I had one that didnt eat for ages either. Do you know how long the shop you got it from had them for? They get starved for shipping so the shop should keep them for 3 - 4 weeks to make sure they start eating again and get back to health.
Mine ate alge of the tank glass, ornaments and wood etc and didnt touch the other food so you'll probably find yours is doing the same :)
They also get shocked and stressed quite easily and don't eat until they settle in, mine only started eating after a week or so.

Hope this helps :)

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