Golden Nugget Pleco


Fish Crazy
Feb 22, 2012
Reaction score
Ilkeston, Derbyshire, UK
My lfs has n offer on at the minute that means I can get a gold nugget pleco for £15 ... Should they be kept in pairs or would I be ok with one ? I have a bristle nose female at present
they are fine on there own but be warned most gold nugget species are tough to look after, not all adapt to aquarium life, i don't know what's happened over the years because this never used to be the case...

thats a good price though.
Right ok anything special I need to look out for ? They look lovely fish and I'm tempted to get one as I love plecos

initially feeding seems to be the issue, you might get a good one but have a wide range of quality foods available, frozen and dried, feed fresh greens like cucumber and courgette, feed at night if there's no joy during the day, i find live tubifex is gobbled up at night once they've settled in, other meaty foods will be taken, small shrimp and bloodworms - these plecs need more than just algae and veggies, try to keep your water soft and acidic. If you can get it through the first couple of months then it should be fine.
Id agree with that I keep lots of plecs no problem but I failed with a golden nugget a couple of years back just never ate

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