Golden Barbs Vs Siamese Fighter


Fish Crazy
Feb 22, 2012
Reaction score
Ilkeston, Derbyshire, UK
Our male fighter keeps hiding behind the filter only comes out to swim for minutes at a time then gets chased back into hiding by the golden barbs we have

Any advice ?
Barbs & tetras are nippy, the Betta probably feels threatened.
Bettas can be ok in community tanks, but tbh he'd be happier being away from the barbs & tetras
Gutted !! Again advice from a lfs seems to cause problems we were told one male would be ok with the barbs :( he's a lovely fish as well
Lfs are there to sell fish, if they die, then you go back & get more, they make more profit.
You joined the right place to get advice.
If you don't have a spare tank for the Betta, then as Mattys suggested, you could divide the tank
Thinking of giving the barbs to a friend who had my little 31litre tank off me at the weekend . Want to keep my fighter he's a lovely fish and a shame to see him hiding. I can't do anything tonight as 1 the old tank isn't ready for fish again yet Amonia is 2 high and 2, I have nothing to separate them In my tank :( unhappy and dispondent at the minute
Did your friend completely clean your old tank? You should have given him some filter media from your tank to get it established quicker :good:
No they got to media I had before but we had amassing e ammonia spike (26 fish our fault overstocked) so the ammonia was 8 we cleaned gravel and lightly cleaned filter that's all
That was quick, hope your fighter will be happier now
20mins to catch the buggers and took them straight p my mate who had my old tank as there levels were ok but will probably need I water change tomorrow / day after now fish in etc .

Fighters still in hiding will see what he's like tomorrow now got an air line to blow bubbles up behind the filter to put him off going there if need be till he realises the barbs have gone . Still got 2 x small cherry barbs which never bothered him before
Hope he settles down now the barbs have gone, may take him a while so keep an eye on him
Golden Barbs, as in Puntius semifasciolatus? If so, a measly 31l tank is far too small, they need a 3-foot tank minimum.

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