Gold Panda Mollies


New Member
Sep 2, 2012
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Hi, I have recently begun keeping lyretail gold panda mollies. All of the adults are lyretails, but all of the offspring of the adults do not have the lyretail, instead they have the regular tail fins. The oldest of the offspring are a couple months and a couple of inches. Is this something that develops later on? Or did the trait just not get passed on? Thanks in advance.
My son has a Gold Panda Lyretail, here's a couple pics:



Sorry I don't know the answer to that question but I would expect the lyretail doesn't fully develop early, what do you consider early though?

We did have a couple batches of Molly fry but not with this particular fish, it was with a Platinum Sailfin male and a Creamsicle Lyretail female. The fry were mostly less bright in color and they didn't show the sailfin or lyretail at about less than an inch long. We brought them to 2 local fish stores that adopted them. Later I saw some of the last ones they had left & they were full sized adults at 3-3.5 inches long and some had the sail, some had the lyre & some had none but all of them were much more colorful.

Hope that helps

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