I know there have been many posts on this.
When should I feed my fish before going on holiday? I know they can last a while anyway but I'm more concerned about the stats.
My plan at the moment is to feed them 2 days before I leave and do a water change a day before I leave. Maybe 50% to be safe?
I wont scrub off algae as I'm guessing they will eat that. Just syphon the bottom.
I'm away for 10 days, tank is 120L, 6 Sterbai Corys, 2 Guppies, 1 is pregnant so that will be food during the week haha. Also 1 plec and 1 fry in there already and 6 neon tetras.
Thanks all.
When should I feed my fish before going on holiday? I know they can last a while anyway but I'm more concerned about the stats.
My plan at the moment is to feed them 2 days before I leave and do a water change a day before I leave. Maybe 50% to be safe?
I wont scrub off algae as I'm guessing they will eat that. Just syphon the bottom.
I'm away for 10 days, tank is 120L, 6 Sterbai Corys, 2 Guppies, 1 is pregnant so that will be food during the week haha. Also 1 plec and 1 fry in there already and 6 neon tetras.
Thanks all.