Glo Fish Spot

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Feb 26, 2013
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need help with figuring this out please. we posted this problem in the tropical fish thread when the spot was small. only one person responded back that they thought the fish just nicked himself. however this is the next week and the spot is worse so I want to try this thread as its being quite an emergency issue. he has had zero change in behavior or appetite. ive attached pics of week 1 and then week 2 for your reference. can anyone please let me know if they've seen this before? we'd hate to lose him.
week 1 :
glo fish- week 1.jpg
week 2 :
glo fish- week 2.jpg
no one at all has ever seen anything like this? really? seriously? please help us
aye, ive seen this but i have no clue unfortunatly, any update?
ncguppy830 said:
aye, ive seen this but i have no clue unfortunatly, any update?
thx for asking, hes still in the same shape. the spot hasn't grown any bigger today. hes still running around and eating like normal.
Looks like an abscess/sore/bacterial infection to me.
I won't guarantee it but i'd be treating him with (depending on where you live) Waterlife Myxazin.
Only available in the UK though.. But your profile doesn't state where you are from. I can't give advice with products available anywhere else I'm afraid.

Word of warning, being a genetically modified fish, this can have major implications on their immune system hence making them more susceptible to diseases and infections.
Interesting fact, they're also less fertile. Relating to the above, it could be because the body puts more energy into the fluorescence rather than other bodily functions.
Source: Jeffrey E. Hill, Anne R. Kapuscinski, Tyler Pavlowich. "Fluorescent Transgenic Zebra Danio More Vulnerable to Predators than Wild-Type Fish". Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. p 1001–1005 .Vol. 140, Iss. 4, 2011.
tyvm for responding back. I appreciate the information and will look into it on my side of the pond  :)
I would never had guessed that thought about their immune system because our glo fish have been the most resilsnant of all our fish. between moving them all to a much bigger tank to ich to a fungal infection on one of the other species of fish (not recently), these guys haven't gotten sick at all. that is one of the reason we were so surprised to find anything wrong with him. I do think your theory is quite interesting. ty for sharing it.
ty again for lending the advice. its much appreciated
Best of luck! <3
Try googling a few pictures of fish abscesses/sores and see if it's any similar :)
As I said, even if you treat it with a bacterial treatment, it won't have any ill effects if it isn't what I think it is.
In the meantime you need to be testing your water to find out the Ammonia/Nitrite/Nitrate and doing some frequent and reasonably large water changes to help stop the infection (if it is) spreading.
Like having an open wound and then rubbing a load of dirt and guck into it if you don't keep it clean.
Fresh water is the best cure for most illnesses in the fish tank :p
Looks like ammonia burn to me, but not sure, what is your ammonia level?
BriansAquarium said:
Looks like ammonia burn to me, but not sure, what is your ammonia level?
This also rings true, the second picture where it's much larger, the gills are really red in comparison to the first photo..
so sorry, was away for a few days and was jus now able to get online.... thank you to all that responded back. idk the level off the top of my head but I will certainly check it first thing in the morning. he is still roaming around like normal thank goodness. nothing is slowing him down and hes still eating well. im extremely apprective of the time you took to respond back.
dodgegmc said:
so sorry, was away for a few days and was jus now able to get online.... thank you to all that responded back. idk the level off the top of my head but I will certainly check it first thing in the morning. he is still roaming around like normal thank goodness. nothing is slowing him down and hes still eating well. im extremely apprective of the time you took to respond back.
Pleasure, anything else, just ask.

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