Glass or Acrylic?


Fish Herder
Jun 9, 2002
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Which one? I can get a 29 gallon with Eclipse hood in either glass or acrylic for virtually the same price.

Which should I get? And why?
Glass doesn't scratch as easily (imo). Glass is easier to get rid of that disgusting green spot algae on it as well. No doubt acrylic has good qualities too I just don't use it ;)
Ostrow, Acrylic is generally more expensive, and used for larger tanks to save weight. It does scratch easier too.

I would go with glass for a 29gal. :thumbs:
i prefer glass to acrylic, as william said i'd imagine that cleaning algea off it
would be a problem, as acrylic is very easy to scratch, my sister has a
2ft acrylic tank and it is starting to go a horrid yellowish colour, :thumbs:
I would definatly go for the glass, much easyier to clean and lasts much longer.
I think acrylics only advantage is weight savings.

For instance, a 240gal glass tank that would weigh 300lbs or so, takes three men and a boy to carry. My wife could move a 240gal acrylic by herself.
But filled, that weight difference becomes negligible.

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