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Feb 27, 2012
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so ive got a 29g planted tank
*dual t5 - 6500k 31w, colormax 31w
*aquaclear 70
i dose ferts for my plants.
ive stocked so far
*6 cardinal tetras
*8 pristella tetras
*2 emerald corys
*2 julli corys
*1 albino bristlenose
and my newest addition
*1 male german blue ram

i would like to add maybe a couple more cardinals to make a bigger color flash i wish i had got less pristellas so i could have had about 10 cardinals.
i was planning on getting one more of each kind of cory but now with my ram idk if i should or not.
and i would like to get me a dwarf gourami to have something for the top of the tank.

Let me know what you think and what you would do please.

OH and i guess i should say i do about 10 to 15 gallon water changes every week or two depending if i work 7 days or 6
my ph stays right around 7
my temp is between 78 to 80 degrees
nitrates dont get above 20
Well I do have a couple of suggestions for you.

You only have 2 of each type of cory - They are a schooling fish and should ideally be kept in groups of at least 6. That way they will be much more happy and behave more normally.

Also because they have barbels on the underside of their mouths they are better with a sand substrate a gravel one will wear them away eventually so you may want to think about changing over at some point in the future.

Hope this helps

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