ghost shrimps exposed to copper// now dying


Mostly New Member
Sep 21, 2016
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i made an awful mistake...
yesterday i went out and brought 6 new aquatic plants from my lps and then i went home, rinsed em and put them in. Today i woke up too see all 4 of my ghost shrimps lying on their backs but still alive, in panic i read the bag the plants came in and realized they're treated with copper and i should've removed the white pot they were in.

I moved all of the shrimps into the quarentine tank, is there anything i can do? i really don't want to lose them..
If you already moved them from the tank they were in that's a start.
Have you got any IAL? If you have add some into the tank they are in now and just make sure the water is warm and areiated. I dont know if they will survive, but I hope they do. Let us know.
If you already moved them from the tank they were in that's a start.
Have you got any IAL? If you have add some into the tank they are in now and just make sure the water is warm and areiated. I dont know if they will survive, but I hope they do. Let us know.
Thank you for your fast response, i accidently missed one and he's sadly dead and actually changed to a red colour on his back, i feel awful :(
as for the others, they're making a full recovery. My QT tank is coldwater so i moved them to the birthing tank (save me if they eat the fry) and i've seen one or two doing well. hopes are high

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