Ghost shrimp


May 19, 2004
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Can ghost shrimp mingle with oscars and jack dempseys? How about with clown loaches?
They won't work with the first two. :no:

As for the loaches... if they can and do eat snails, then no.
Thank you very much for the reply. What about a bgk and a red zebra?
Sorry, I deal mostly with the more common and cheap fish. :/

What does bgk stand for? Red zebra what?
mopst anything that is semi-aggresive or agressive as cichlids will eat the ghost shrimp

it is good for there diet to have live food

if you want to keep them as tank mates then i would not suggest putting them in with any of these choices

Also, those shrimps are experts at escaping out of tanks. I had 5 in my community tank with only peaceful species and 3 of them were found dead outside of the tank.

Oh, by the way, my tank has a hood - it must have come out of those narrow slits where the heater power cords come out...
Actually they go great with oscars. Though they're more of an appetizer than a entree.
yhbae said:
Also, those shrimps are experts at escaping out of tanks. I had 5 in my community tank with only peaceful species and 3 of them were found dead outside of the tank.

Oh, by the way, my tank has a hood - it must have come out of those narrow slits where the heater power cords come out...
Sorry for going a bit off topic;
yhbae i had the same problem, wouldn't you say shrimps are the best escape artists, i found one on the dinning room carpet after i stepped on it (by the way he is alive and very well, cleaning my tank, and uprooting my plants) good thing i didn;t have shoes on. whiel the other two tried to get out the same way that night but got stuck in the impellor houseing, took me 45 minutes to get them out and you woudn't belive this they where ok, not harm what so ever, luck huh.
Anyway what i really wanted to say was you can use pond netting or garden netting (small variet) and cover up the air vents in the hood, the holes should be large enough for air (as you need circulation) but small for the little bandits. Also if you have an internal power filter, I used radiator cover grill (aluminium) cut it to size and where the nobs for the heater and cables stuff needs to poke throw i drilled holes , this again lets air into the filter chamber and allows me to see the heater light etc.and mech. filter (if it getts too dirty). It looks like its a part of the filter system, and does not move. Todate i have had no escapes , well no succesful escapes to the impellor or outside the tank. B)

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