Cherry With Berries???


Oct 5, 2021
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Atlanta, GA, USA
I've been struggling to make my shrimp tank a good home for the little scampers. Today I think I see a sign that things are getting better.

Is this a Cherry carrying a clutch (or batch or whatever) of eggs?? If so, I'm SO excited! BTW, I know I have a ghost shrimp with eggs- you can see them very easily LOL.
I liked seeing the odd rili shrimp my mixed red and blue caridinas threw. Transparent in the middle, with bright yellow eggs :D
berried rili shrimp.JPG

Not my pic, don't have my older pics on this laptop, so quicker to snatch one from google images (sshhhh)

Congrats on the berried mama!! I remember how exciting it is when you first start to see berried females. Happy for you, and hope you're seeing lots of baby shrimplets soon! :flowers::band::rock:

Small caution to bear in mind that the shrimplets are transparent and teeny tiny when they first hatch, so go careful with the gravel vac when you have shrimplets...

@Essjay and I know this all too well and have shared our stories many times of carefully sifting through buckets of water and mess during water changes on shrimp tanks, to rescue all the shrimp and shrimplets and put them back in the tank after they've taken a rollercoaster ride through the syphon! It's almost impossible to avoid all of them. Even adults sometimes get sucked up. They're not good at avoiding the gravel vac, and don't seem to mind the odd trip through it and then my having to spend ages staring into a bucket with a tank light across it and shrimp net, looking for movement and rescuing every tiny shrimplet! I know Essjay does the same!

It's weird, because I still love and eat prawns. I have bags of prawns in the freezer right now. But my shrimp tank shrimp are different, and I'll spend an hour or more sifting slowly through buckets, just so I don't accidentally tip one out with the waste water.

Humans are weird, and I don't know why I'm okay with that double standard, but it's the way things are. :lol:
My record was when the shrimps were in a 54 litre tank and I found 32 in the bucket ranging from newly hatched shrimplets to fully grown adults.
I have cherry shrimps in my main tank now and the first bucketful at a water change is siphoning the debris off the sand so I have to check that one as well. The rest of the water is siphoned out with net fabric over the end of the tube as I have fish which always investigate what's going on and would be sucked up without the net, so I don't need to check the rest of the buckets thank goodness.
I liked seeing the odd rili shrimp my mixed red and blue caridinas threw. Transparent in the middle, with bright yellow eggs :D
View attachment 337594

Not my pic, don't have my older pics on this laptop, so quicker to snatch one from google images (sshhhh)

Congrats on the berried mama!! I remember how exciting it is when you first start to see berried females. Happy for you, and hope you're seeing lots of baby shrimplets soon! :flowers::band::rock:

Small caution to bear in mind that the shrimplets are transparent and teeny tiny when they first hatch, so go careful with the gravel vac when you have shrimplets...

@Essjay and I know this all too well and have shared our stories many times of carefully sifting through buckets of water and mess during water changes on shrimp tanks, to rescue all the shrimp and shrimplets and put them back in the tank after they've taken a rollercoaster ride through the syphon! It's almost impossible to avoid all of them. Even adults sometimes get sucked up. They're not good at avoiding the gravel vac, and don't seem to mind the odd trip through it and then my having to spend ages staring into a bucket with a tank light across it and shrimp net, looking for movement and rescuing every tiny shrimplet! I know Essjay does the same!

It's weird, because I still love and eat prawns. I have bags of prawns in the freezer right now. But my shrimp tank shrimp are different, and I'll spend an hour or more sifting slowly through buckets, just so I don't accidentally tip one out with the waste water.

Humans are weird, and I don't know why I'm okay with that double standard, but it's the way things are. :lol:
yeah, I'm worried about that- I've started checking, but haven't found any yet. I did see an adult getting sucked up my siphon and let him out before he finished the trip. I'll have to check every time now that I know there will be little ones running around.
I use a nylon stocking ("knee high", I think?) over the end of the siphon tube when I first start to empty my tank during a WC; that old water goes into my flower beds, and I don't have to monitor it.

Once the water level is down a bit, but still need more water removed, I remove the stocking (while still submerged, to maintain the siphon), move the drain end of the siphon hose into a bucket, then vac the substrate, carefully avoiding my fish & shrimp...if one DOES get sucked up, it's easy to recover from the bucket

Years ago, when I first started fishkeeping, I didn't use pre-filters on my filter pickups; the first time I cleaned my canister filter, I found dozens of shrimplets (and shrimp) had been sucked into the filter...and had lived there for 3 or 4 months...ooops...that was NOT fun, trying to recover them out of that mucky filter water, sponge, and ceramic media

These work great as pre-filters to avoid the above; I use them on all of my filters:
OMG !!! I have a Fire Red berried too !!!

Shes so opaque it's nearly impossible to see, without looking under her skirt :)

I sense an upcoming baby boom 😵‍💫 Celebrating that, buying baby shrimps food :D
I can’t really see berries in the pictures, but looks more likely with my eyes… at the very least this one looks healthy, and has doubled in size, since I’ve had it… 3 cherries on the sponge filter this morning at 1st light…it may be berried, but looking good, even if it’s not… sorry for the poor picture quality…
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