Ghost Shrimp Disappearing

FrAnK3333 said:
I was mad because I thought you said tou were never going to upgrade. If you plan to that makes it alright. Just when the cycling is done get 2 more clowns.
I'm glad that was cleared up, I'm certainly not looking to make enemies on a forum that I hope to get valuable advice.

I don't know about getting two more clowns... maybe one seeing as how expensive they are, and I would like to have a little companionship in my tank. That is of course assuming he makes it thru the cycle. So far my tank is looking okay - Ammonia is of course higher than I would like - between 1.0 and 2.0, Nitrites are zero, and Nitrates are 20-40. I do a 25% water change everyday, along with the concoction of chems I add to help keep things in check. My pH is high and my water is 'Very Hard' but these are things I'm not even going to bother trying to change until I'm done cycling - because my frequent water changes would just make any levelling out of the water pointless.

I do look at my tank and wish I got a bigger one - but I suspect it will always be that way until I just have a wall made purely of aquarium.
mr_miagi32 said:
The-Raven said:
I do look at my tank and wish I got a bigger one -
Oh dont we all....
Unfortunately since walmart is my only fish store within an hour's drive... 29 is the largest I can get unless I want to set aside an entire day to go to the fish store in Cheyenne and back to maybe get a larger tank... I'm kinda tossing and turning as to what I'd do with my 29 once I do eventually upgrade.

It's not too large so I suppose I could sell it online, shipping wouldn't be too bad... but it's much to large to use as a quarantine tank.
I dought walmart would, but if you ring that LFS ages away, get them to send you a copy of the tanks they get in, ie size, gallons, equipment etc etc, and order one. Chances are they might deliver it too you. And there aint no reason not too ask! :thumbs:

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