Getting more babies to survive...

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Jan 17, 2002
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I have had several broods of platies from 1-3 babies in number. I know my fish are young but surely they will have had more than this (One of my fish has twice had babies and the brood sizes were 3 and 2.). The others I assume must be eaten the filter has a cover(tights)

I have one corner heavily planted and another lightly planted. I have heard the addition of marbles helps. I have some small marbles (1cm diameter) and added them will this help? How many do I need should I use the bigger marbles? I boiled them before adding.

Thanks any other advice much appreciated!! FYI when I see my fry they invaribly make it to adulthood (well the biggest is 1.5-2cm now but i imagine they will :)

The addition of the marbles is usualy employed when trying to breed egg scatterers(normaly in a bare bottom tank). The eggs fall between the gaps thus protecting them from the ever hungry parents.(I usualy use a two layer system).
The idea is sound for your baby platties and might work, there's no harm in trying.
As for how many to use, how many have you got? I'd say try building at least a couple of rows deep as for the size it depends how much space you've got in the tank. you could always build a couple of pyramids that should give adequate cover and who knows the mystical elements could help them along as well.
Don't knock it I think there is something to this pyramid lark, just not sure how it would work constructing one from marbles.

Good luck.
My corys plecos AND applesnails keep on knocking them over :( I only have about ten or so marbles so I put them in a corner near some weed. One of my females is sooo close now I reckon the next couple of days...

I have the same problem with Platies. First brood = 4, all growing well. Second about 8 or 9 still small but growing and the third was just last night so I'm not sure how many there are yet. What seems to happen is that the sensible ones hide for as few days until they are a reasonable size and they survive, the others....cue Jaws theme tune....
The back of my tank is quite densely planted, but they seem to prefer hiding under things, bogwood, larger stones on top of coarse gravel....The marbles thing might work with them, but you'll need more - you could try pebbles instead, even silicone them together to prevent them being knocked over...

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